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In Scar-Lead Salvation play as Willow, who awakens in a deserted
military facility with no memory of how she got there, accompanied
only by an AI in her ear and a swarm of deadly robots. Can you uncover
the mystery of what happened in the facility, learn about Willow's past,
and make your way out alive?
Live. Die. Repeat. – Death may seem inevitable as you progress
through the story, but it's not the end. With each death you'll resurrect
where it all started—and maybe learn a little about what happened
here in the process. Escape this loop and discover the truth about the
military facility and Willow's past!
Expect the Unexpected – You'll never know what comes next as you
make your way through the military facility. Each floor will present a
procedurally generated layout complete
Fully Armed and Operational – You'll encounter a veritable armada of
mechanical foes in the mysterious military facility. Use a variety of
weapons, take advantage of status effects, and power up with unique
skills to take them down.
Unlimited Power! – Dodge and parry enemy attacks with precision to
build up Exo Force. When enough Exo Force is built up, unleash your
ultimate power with Onslaught Mode and become temporarily
Languages – English, French, and Spanish in-game text. English and
Japanese in-game voice