As a demon army besieges his village, a young ninja ventures through a cursed world, to deliver a scroll paramount to his clan’s survival. What begins as a classic action platformer soon unravels into an expansive time-traveling adventure full of thrills, surprises, and humor.
The Messenger (Base Game):
o Dynamic, acrobatic gameplay and ultra tight controls worthy of an epic ninja adventure.
o Character upgrades, new abilities, hidden levels, and branching paths to discover.
o Meticulously designed 8-bit and 16-bit sprites, animations, and backgrounds in the spirit of the classics.
o A memorable cast of offbeat villains, bosses, and associates.
o Original soundtrack by renowned chiptune composer Rainbowdragoneyes, handmade using Famitracker.
Picnic Panic DLC:
o Three new levels and bosses, in a setting filled with voodoo magic and tropical wonders.
o A complete new cast of enemy minions.
o More Shopkeeper shenanigans and stories.
o More challenge rooms, hidden artifacts, and surprises.
o 18 new music tracks by The Messenger’s award-winning composer Rainbowdragoneyes.