The Falconeer is a new take on air combat. A 3rd person game that puts you in control of a Falconeer, an airborne warrior. Using ranged weapons , the game still holds true to classic dog fighting mechanics but adds twists such as acrobatics and crazy line up of enemies to take on. You'll fight other Falconeers, but also large lumbering airships, flying beetles, manta rays and offcourse the dragon-like weavers.
The story revolves around a singular conflict, but as a player you'll get to play and experience it from as many angles as you want, offering you acces to all the factions involved.
The Falconeer is an open-world game. Meaning that a reasonable chunk of the Ursee can be explored and engaged freely. With different factions and their settlements and bases responding to your actions and faction allegiance.
You will need to survive and earn soulshards the currency of the Ursee, to improve your gear and mount, but also to keep your faction on top in the struggle to control the Ursee.
- Explore and Fly
The Ursee is an ancient place, filled with new locations to find and explore, some even below the waves. There are sparks of order and civilization to be found as well as wild and dangerous coasts filled with treasure, pirates, lost technology and amazing creatures
- Dogfighting from a new perspective
Air combat in the Falconeer is brutal and fast with mounted enemies such as War Falcons, Weaver dragons, Mantarays and Razorbeetles providing a new twist of a gamer classic.
- Influence
People in the Ursee divide over two lines, access to technology and control over valuable resources such as wood and metals.
Revolution and dissent is always brewing among the downtrodden and poor, while the rich and powerful yield fleets of airships and Falconeers to protect their assets. It's up to you to join and support your faction, flying missions that may change the fate of your faction as well as yourself.