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X-Men: Destiny (Pre-Owned)

Vendor: Activision
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SKU: 047875841222
Availability: 0 in stock

X-Men: Destiny has you playing a new recruit amongst comic's motley mutant band, and promises a branching storyline that features a deep element of choice.

In X-Men Destiny for the Nintendo DS, players control the fate of Samuel Kamerhe, an all-new mutant character that has only just begun to realize the power that he possesses. The branching story-line, penned by acclaimed Marvel writer Mike Carey, features a deep element of choice, allowing players to customize the path and powers of their character and to decide their role in the mutant cause alongside, or against, some of Marvel’s greatest X-Men franchise characters, such as Magneto, Cyclops, Wolverine and Sabretooth.

In the action-RPG X-Men Destiny, you control the fate of a new mutant in the X-Men universe. Every choice has a consequence, as your destiny is determined through the decisions you make.